Monday, August 13, 2012

First day - Last day: During our stay in Cambodia we were part of a project called ''Exchange Learning''.

For more than a month we tried our best to share our culture and knowledge with cambodian students.
And although we were supposed to teach them..

...they actually taught us a lot more. From traditional games..
.. up to cambodian language 'khmer' we learned a lot about cambodian lifestyle, culture and mentality, and about communication by using more our bodies rather than words.

Fortunately we found great help from our translators. Phearom was one of them. She did a real good job at translating our presentations. (Thank you again!)

Because Ata couldn't receive all of his photos yet he's afraid he can't share most of them now.
 The University where we worked at also organized a trip for us ''teachers'' together with some of our students. We went to see 2 other branches: one in Kampong Chang...
..and another in Kampong Thom Province.
We thank all our students for attending our classes, for sharing their knowledge with us, for teaching us being teachers and for being our friends. We spent some incredible 5 weeks with you that we will never forget. Thank you and Good Luck for your future!

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